How to Know Your Elderly Parents Need Help?—Top 5 Signs

Determining when your ageing parent needs help is difficult. While you thought he or she was doing well, the next day he or she may fall severely ill. So, you must be vigilant. Old age is an uncertain phase in every individual’s life. At this age, a person becomes highly vulnerable to different health-related problems. And, it becomes a challenge for the family members to keep the elderly person in his or her best health. So, if you are someone who has an elderly parent at his or her house and you are concerned about how to keep them safe, in good health condition, and joyful, then you can hire domiciliary care providers. Now, if you are not sure whether your elderly parent or loved one needs such services, then here in this blog we have mentioned some of the signs that will tell you that your elderly parent needs home care services.

And, before we start, it is important to point out that you should always contact domiciliary care agencies to hire the best care providers who are trained and experienced.

Top Signs Your Elderly Parents Need Help

Check if you can relate these signs to the behaviour of the elderly at your house. If yes, then you should immediately avail of help services for him/her.

Difficulty in Performing Minor Tasks

Even if your elderly parent is not bedridden, yet he or she finds it extremely difficult to perform daily activities like bathing, grooming, going to the toilet, dressing, walking, eating, or drinking, then it points out that he or she is not in the right state of health. And it is a red flag for you. Just as it is important that you take him/her to a doctor immediately, it is also important that you hire a domiciliary care provider who can be with him/her and is capable of offering the necessary support.

To find such a helping hand, you should always contact top domiciliary care agencies.

Changes in appearance

If you can notice some changes in their appearance, for instance, noticeable weight loss, unruly hair, wearing soiled clothes, unpleasant body odour, untrimmed nails, and unruly hair, then it is a warning sign. This might be because the person is not his or her previous self anymore. So, make sure that you have someone who is by the elderly loved one's side, who can offer the right help, and who understands the needs of the elderly.

Neglecting household responsibilities

One of the top signs your elderly parent needs help might be when you observe that he or she is neglecting household responsibilities, for example, keeping the house cluttered, not throwing away spoiled food, having stained carpet, having stacks of unopened mail, receiving calls from the collector, and other such signs. All these indicate that your elderly parent is not able to perform his or her responsibilities in the right manner, and with help, he or she can do better. This is where hiring domiciliary care providers would be the right decision to make. 

Now, if you are someone who lives in Croydon and needs responsible caregivers, you must contact the best centre that can deliver the best domiciliary care in Croydon.

Forgetting to take medicines

If you see that your elderly parents are forgetting to take their medicines on time, then honestly, that is not a good sign. You should make sure that someone is there to remind them about the medicines timely. Experienced caregivers can easily manage the medicines on behalf of the elderly person and ensure that he or she is taking the medicine on time.

Changes in behaviour

If you are currently noticing a change in the behaviour of your elderly loved one, for instance, that he or she is lacking motivation, having difficulty keeping track of time, not returning calls, or exhibiting extreme agitation or aggressiveness, then he or she needs immediate medical help and a support system at home. So, hiring a caregiver who can offer the right support to such an elderly person is important because the caregiver can keep a watch on him or her and offer the necessary help.


These are some of the top signs that can help you know whether your elderly parent needs help. There are other red flags; however, here we have mentioned some of the top signs that would easily help you know whether your elderly parent is feeling helpless but unable to express it. So, what you should do is hire a home care provider right away who is experienced, qualified, and trained to offer the best domiciliary care services. If you are looking Services for such care providers in Croydon, then you can get in touch with Priory Care , which is one of the best domiciliary care agencies based in this region.


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