5 Reasons Why Yoga is Good for Senior Adults

With the onset of old age, our body starts to slow down physically. Senior adults often suffer from sore muscles, achy joints, and a loss of mobility. For the elderly who live alone, it is suggested to seek the services of domiciliary care agencies in Croydon to get assistance in moving around the house. It is important for older adults to maintain some form of a daily exercise routine to practice a healthy lifestyle. Light exercises, such as yoga, can help seniors feel more active and energetic, while also dealing with minor aches and pains. 

In this blog, we take a closer look at the multiple health benefits of practicing yoga for elderly adults. 

Helps Control Blood Pressure

Senior adults should always keep strict monitoring of their blood pressure levels. With age, the risk for high blood pressure also becomes higher and it may cause a stroke, heart attack, or other health problems.  An unhealthy diet, obesity, and inactive lifestyle could be a few of the reasons for high blood pressure. Yoga is a great prevention measure for this health condition. There are certain yoga positions (asanas) that can help lower one’s blood pressure levels. It helps the body relax and also brings down your stress level, all of which help in dealing with high blood pressure problems.  

Increases Flexibility

Most yoga poses involve gentle stretching of the body, which helps to improve the flexibility of the muscles. Senior adults who suffer from joint pain or sore muscles can practice certain yoga poses that help them in dealing with the specific problem. For example, the child’s pose is very effective in stretching the stiff muscles in one’s lower back region. Flexibility exercises, like yoga, are great because they help loosen your muscles and also tone them, which can help prevent injuries. 

Improves Balance 

Maintaining balance and stability can be difficult for many older adults, increasing their chances of a fall. Practicing yoga regularly can help in strengthening the body’s core, which in turn, helps improve the body’s balance and stability. This makes walking and other physical movements much easier. Caregivers hired from domiciliary care agencies in Croydon can help the elderly in doing these yoga positions. 

Encourages Deeper Breathing

Yoga consists of a large number of deep breathing exercises. The increased respiration allows a lot more blood to flow through your body, which increases your health and immunity. For older adults, increased oxygen in the blood flow increases their energy levels. 

Supports Bones and Joints

One of the first signs of ageing is the decrease in bone density for most senior adults. Stiff joints become common that can cause pain or reduced mobility. But it is important to continue with physical activity as it puts light pressure on your bones which is good. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that encourages your muscles to stretch without putting too much strain. Certain poses in yoga need you to balance and keep holding a certain position, which creates optimum pressure on your bones and helps to make them stronger and denser. This alleviates all pains and aches. 


Keeping up with a fitness regime is very important as one grows older. Family members can opt for services from domiciliary care agencies in Croydon to supervise and assist your elderly while doing yoga poses at home. To hire someone, contact Priory Care Services. 


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