5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Domiciliary Care Agencies

Are you skeptical about hiring home care assistance for your senior? Given the growing hustle and bustle of our lives, it is no more an option but a necessity to hire exclusive live-in care support for your senior at home. However, choosing the best out of leading domiciliary care agencies is a challenging task. After all, you want reliable support at home with whom you can entrust the responsibility of your senior’s well being. If you are visiting a potential home care agency next week, make sure you have a list of questions prepared for your clarifications. Cannot figure out which questions to ask? We have made the job easier for you with our curated list.

Here are the top 5 questions you must put before a care agency:

1. Are your carers trained?

When the question of your beloved senior surfaces, you simply cannot count on amateur carers. Therefore, this question should be the focus of your across-the-table-discussion. A care agency of repute shall never be reluctant in sharing the overview of its established training process with you. This point can help you confirm the transparency and honest intentions of the care agency and its workers.

2. What are all the services available to you?

Respite care, live-in care, and holiday care may have some overlaps but are all different in their essences. If surfing the official website does not help you with clearing doubts, you can meet the concerned head in person and ask for a comprehensive briefing on all the services provided by that particular domiciliary care agency. It shall enable you to choose the right service thereby meeting the unique requirement of your senior.

3. Is there a matchmaking process?

Carers are expected to strike an emotional chord with the patient they are taking care of. This makes the compatibility factor so important in-home caregiving service. Ask the service provider if it adheres to the matchmaking process. With the help of this system, a care agency can place the right carer at the service of the right patient. A like-minded company gives your senior solace and help regain confidence.

4. Do you have a license?

There is no dearth of hoax care agencies in the market today. Most are focused on extorting your money against unlicensed sub-par service. Prevent yourself from falling into the trap by asking the license status of the home care agency you are about to hire. If it is licensed and regulated by the relevant commission then proceed, otherwise, start looking for other alternatives.

5. What are your charges?

Are you satisfied with all the explanations provided by the agency? Now, to take a final call, you must be clear about the service charges you are expected to pay. Whether you have to pay on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, know every in and out before saying a yes or signing on a document. You can give domiciliary care near Croydon a try, for they provide senior care along with household management services at quite an affordable price.


Picking the right care agency from the pool of service providers is not an easy task. To choose the best assistance for your loving senior, you can refer to our list of top 5 questions for sure. Remember, with top-quality elderly care in hand, your seniors will enjoy independence and healthier living.


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